
Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

NAMA                       :   REZKY KURNIA RAMADHAN
NPM                          :   26212223
KELAS                      :   3EB02
MATKUL                   :   BAHASA INGGRIS BISNIS 2 #


  • Some: 

Used to sentence Positive / Affirmative / statement , offer , request , and the question if you wish the question is answered " Yes" .

For example: 
- I have some friends to be visited my party next week
- He borrowed 
some books at library.

  • Any:

Used for negative sentences or questions .
For example: 
- Have you got any oranges? No, we haven’t got any. But we’ve got some apple
- Do you have any choise to solve this problem?

  • Many 
It is used for objects that can not be calculated (uncountable).
[ + ] Tivani has many shirt in the cupboard.
[ - ] There are not many tables in the classroom.
[ ? ] Do you see many chairs in the classroom ?

  • Much

Much used for objects that can not be calculated , and to calculate required a dose / weight and size . Benchmark of an object can not be counted is if to count should use the tools . such as liters , dollars.
For example: 
- You took too much sugar in your coffee, it’s not good for your health.
- We need much sand to build a big building.

  • A lot of

A lot of good can be used for objects that can be counted or not counted . This means that can be used to change the position of Many.

What distinguishes the Many and Much is that the usage habits . A lot of just plain used in a positive sentence .
For Example: 
- I have a lot of friendship who always stand by me.
- How 
much money do you have? I have a lot of money.

  • A few
This word is used for objects that can be calculated and the meaning of a few few or little.
- A few children
- A few house
- A few cats


A.     When to use the prefix " a " in the preparation of a word ? Typically , " a " is used for nouns   beginning consonant , eg Zoo .The word Zoo added prefixes to express a word to become " a zoo " .Similarly, for words such as a bike , a chair , a mountain , a rules and a book .

An  The prefix " An " is used for nouns that begin vowels , including the mention of the word itself . For example , the word apple , egg idiot and that everything must start " early " to be an apple , an idiot and an egg .One point of difference in the use of a, an , and the in English , which is a vowel , usually for words that begin with the letter a, i , u , e and o . While the words begin with the letter " u " but do not read as vowels do not use the prefix " late " but rather " a " ,an example of "a unique person" .

The: The prefix " the " commonly used in giving names such as rivers , oceans and seas (eg the Mississippi River ) , bay ( the Bay of Bengal ) , peninsula ( the Arabian Peninsula ) , mountains ( the Bukit Barisan ) , polar (the South Pole ), geographic region (the South East Asia ) , deserts and forests ( the Gobi Desert ) . 
The use of the prefix " the " usual in situations of certain words , especially refers to the noun more specific example ,
  " Let's read the book " which means " let's read the book " , clearly more specific than the phrase 

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